
As the companion to the Raising Saints podcast, this blog will cover familiar ground: equipping parents and teachers, godparents and grandparents, to talk about the Orthodox Faith with the children in our lives.The wonderful thing about this blog is that, unlike the podcast episodes, we’ll have a Comments section here so that we can discuss topics together! I look forward to hearing from you, and I encourage you to comment here frequently, allowing us to create a community where we can talk about what is working with the kids in our lives and what isn’t.While some posts will ‘stand alone’, treating subjects not covered in the podcast, others will relate directly to a specific episode: there may be supplemental information, with links to more information, or I’ll follow up with further thoughts on a topic, creating an opportunity to ask each other questions and to flesh out the ideas introduced in the podcast episodes.I am so looking forward to enhancing Raising Saints with this blog, and I look forward to seeing you here!


Teaching the Lord's Prayer