Pray the Psalter with us.

Our Lord prayed the Psalms, and we follow His example.
For thousands of years, the faithful have prayed the Psalms,
which contain every kind of human experience
and will heal every kind of spiritual pain.

Our group gathers to pray the Psalter together
during both of the traditional 40 day fasts
— Great Lent and the Nativity Lent —
on the Orthodox (New) Calendar.

The Psalter is simply the Book of Psalms
divided into 20 parts, called kathismata.

We each pray one kathisma each day,
so that by the end of any given day,
together we have read the whole Psalter.

By the end of the 40 days, we have each
prayed through the Psalter twice.

icon of Prophet and King David

When it’s time to pray, you’ll find instructions, the Prayer List and the List of Starting Kathismata right here.

You’ll find all 20 kathismata of the Psalter, along with the introductory prayers and a link to the prayer list, right here.

Note that you could bookmark this link on your phone’s browser, to pray from your phone any time:

Here’s a link to some very special prayers
for lenten seasons that I hope you’ll enjoy.