More places you’ll find me online.
Other Projects
Raising Saints blog
Ancient Faith Blogs is a thing of the past,
but here are the best posts from Raising Saints .
The curriculum resources that lived at Raising Saints (Holy Friday retreats and the like) are also right here.
Here are my favorite posts:
Thoughts on Theophany & Revelation
Contemplating the Incarnation
Of Grave Blankets and Prayer for the Dead
All-American Slava
The Monastery in Our Hearts
Grab Your Pitchforks
Prosphora & Theosis -
Orthodox Film Club
I'm putting together a list of great Orthodox films to watch and to support. Please check it out, and let me know what films I should add. You're invited to submit your own reviews as well.
Orthodox Film Club -
Other People's Podcasts
I’ve been a guest on other people’s podcasts, and you can still find some of those online:
Center for Family Care: Fully Human
Brews, Beards, & Shipwrecks 2019
Brews, Beards, & Shipwrecks 2023
Hidden Lives
BYU Radio -
Guest Posts & Articles
You’ll find me on various blogs and websites:
Axia Women
Time Eternal -
Online Curriculum Projects
I put together a course on Orthodox Women Saints that you’re welcome to use or p
Tending the Garden of Our Hearts, we’ve produced an online Sunday School (with videos and printouts) as well as an online VCC program you could do via zoom or in person.I’ve written some Holy Friday retreats you might like to use in your own parish.